Project Choices - Project Choices is a "least restrictive environment" initiative funded by the Illinois State Board in Education.
Inclusion Series - Educational video programs and other multimedia materials on the subject of inclusion of students with disabilities into regular schools.
National Center to Improve Practice(NCIP) - The National Center to Improve Practice, promotes the effective use of technology for students with sensory, cognitive and social/emotional disabilites.
Mail Base - Web site and list serve on inclusive-education. Topics range from classroom modifications to national policy developments.
Discipline of Special Education Students - This page, maintained by the Education Commission of the States provides legal informationoften requested about disciplinary procedures in special education.
Effective Teaching Techniques - Developed by the Curry School of Education, this page has many discipline-specific techniques to offer.
Gan Harmony Online Home Page - A unique look at inclusion in a special school in Isreal. This preschool consists of four classes. Each class of about 15 students includes five or six students with disabilities.
Special Education Resources on the Web - Sites related to Learning Styles and Special Education.
Addressing Student Exceptionalities - This site provides resources concerning children with disabilities and links to many other sites containing additional valuable materials related to special education.(Maintained by McGraw-Hill)
The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) -
PACER - PACER Center provides technical assistance and training to the federally-funded parent training and information centers in each state.
The National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND) - The NPND was established to provide a presence and national voice for parents of children, youth, and adults with special needs.
The National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP) - The NCIP promotes the effective use of technology for students with sensory, cognitive and social/emotional disabilities.
Through the Looking Glass - Through the Looking Glass an international leader on disability and family issues is sponsoring and international conference on parents with disabilites and their families.
Our-Kids - Our-kids is a support group for parents, care givers and others who are working with children with physical and/or mental disabilities and delays.
Parents Helping Parents web site. - The NCIP promotes the effective use of technology for students with sensory, cognitive and social/emotional disabilities.
Family Village - Family Village a global community that integrates information, resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with mental retardation and other disabilities, their families, and those that provide them services and supports.
Jump-Station - An Internet jump-station to sources of information on rare genetic diseases affecting children.
Parent Pals - Ameri-Corp Speech and Hearing has developed a gifted and special education web-site for parents called Parent Pals.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CHADD) -
National Easter Seals Society (NESS) -
The Assistive Technology Funding and Systems Change Project - Provides up-to-date information on the latest laws, regulation, and policy develpments related to funding assistive technology.
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Information on severe emotional distrubance and/or behavior disorders.
The Children's Medical Center - Multimedia tutorials for children and their families.
Special Education Law - Basic legal information of use to special educators, parents and their advisors in meeting federal and state requirements for the education of students with disabilities.
UPSIDE Down Syndrome - Maintained for an informal society of individuals, parents, and friends involved with the world of down Syndrome. Contains pictures and short narrative profiles of Down Syndrome children.
Adapt - There's no place like home, and we mean real homes, not nursing homes. We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.
The Arc of the United States - The Arc (formerly Association for Retarded Citizens of the United States).
Empowerment Zone - A collection of electronic resources on the subject of ploitical action.
Advocate's Association for Disability Independence (AADI) -
Advocates's Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils (NADDC) - NADDC promotes national policy which enables individuals with developmental disabilities the opportunity to make choices regarding the quality of their lives and be included in the community.
National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems (NAPAS) - An association which represents federally mandated programs that protect the rights of persons with disabilities.
Learning Disabilities Association of America - The Web site for the major advocacy organization for people with learning disabilities.
Band-Aids and Blackboards - This site lets others know what it is like to live with a chronic disease or other type of medical problem.
The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) -
Labor Source Web Site
The Arc - Articles and resources on violence and abuse against people with disabilities; inclusive education; social attitudes and values.
Managed Care and Disabilties - Sponsored by St. John's University.
Disability Information and Communication Exchange (DICE)
American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR)
American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA)
Epilepsy Foundation of America
Active Voices in Disability (AVID)
The Association for People with Severe Disabilities
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
The American Academy of Opthalmology - Information about the eye and eye disorders. Also includes discussions of amblyopia, strabismus, cataracts, eye injuries, and other disorders of childhood.
The Associated Services for the Blind - Information about visual impairment.
Autism Resources
Cystic Fibrosis
Deaf World Web - Information and services related to hearing impairments.
The Nevada University Affiliated Program in Developmental Disabilities - Information and resources on developmental disabilities for family members, consumers, professionals, students, policy makers, and other interested parties
Reactive Hypoglycemia - Discussions of symptoms and treatment for hypoglycemia.
Alternative Work Concepts - A supported employment agency working with people with disabilities.
The Kidsource Online Disabilities Page - Lists sites related to physical disability and other disabilities.
The Assistive Technology On-Line Home Page - Information and links to some of the best disability-related sites, both for assistive technology and for general disability issues.
Disabiltiy Specific Web Sites - This is an alphabetized list of links to sites dealing with a wide variety of disabilities from ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY to STROKE.
The Evan Kemp Disability Home Page - Offers a huge selection of links to other disability-related sites and for various goods and services related to every area of special education and disability.
The Internet Resources for Special Children Home Page - Categorized links to other disability-related sites including some on rare diseases and conditions.
Jim Lubin's Disability Resources Page - One of the best compendiums of disability resources on the Web containing hundreds of disability-related links sorted by category.
The Mental Health Information Link - Provided as a public service by Online Psychological Services. This list contains over 350 links to information about various aspects of mental health organized in 25 topics.
Other Internet Disability Resources Home Page
Other Sites on the Web Interest In Persons With Disabilities - This site, maintained by Mt. San Antonio College, contains hundreds of links organized in 15 categories related to disabiities.
Pitsco's Launch to Special Education Resources - Sites related to special education.
Prospernet's Special Education Links
SERI: Special Education Resources on the Internet
University of Virginia's Curry School of Education General Special Education Page - Contains a variety of links to pages on special education history, notable individuals, interventions, etc.
Disability-Related Information Page - This Web Page conains onof the most estensive sets of links to disability sites avialable. If you are looking for informationon a disability-related topic, you'll find a link here.
President's Committe on Employment of People with Disabilities. - Tap into informationon a variety of disability employment issues.
National Health Information Center (NHIC) - Federal health and referral service from the Office of Disease Prevention and health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Director of Information Resources Online (DIRLINE) - National Library of Medicine healthfinder web site.